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Inicio » 2010 » Abril » 25 » Tour valo 2010 pasara por España
11:09 PM
Tour valo 2010 pasara por España
Vistas: 514 | Agregado por: murdak2 | Valoración: 0.0/0
Total de comentarios: 2
2 Sara  
vampire people at least thgouht of Anne Rice and Laurel K. hamilton and now they automatically think Twilight and try to package my book as some junior high romance. I don't know how many parents of twelve year olds I have said, Um, you should read it first to. Though hubby told me to shut up because it is cutting into my sales, LOL! (I think he was joking )Exactly! Like I was telling hubby the other day, people want things that transport them away from the reality they're in, especially the worse the economy gets. And those hard hitting, literary books are nice, but they don't exactly deliver that. It's the guilty pleasure books that do!

1 mcsi  
aguante alex y julio mannnn

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